Prudhoe Bay (Deadhorse) Alaska is home to the largest oil field in North America. It is located in Alaska between the coast of the Beaufort Sea and the North Slope of the Brooks Range Mountains. It is about 1200 mi. south of the North Pole and 250 mi. north of the Arctic Circle. Arctic drilling rigs differ from their southern counterparts in that they generally are more self contained. As is evident by the picture the rigs are enclosed to protect it and the workers from the Arctic Winters. Many of the rigs can be transported from drill site to drill site without any disassembly. Many rigs have a camp house that moves with the rig to provide room and board for the workers. Other wildlife in the area: Arctic Fox, Arctic Ground Squirrels, Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears, Musk OX, Arctic Hares, Caribou (Approximately 25,000)and over 200 different bird and waterfowl species including geese, swans, seagulls and eagles . During the winter months only the arctic fox, ravens, and the occasional polar bear are to be seen. Ice roads are built during the winter months to reduce the damage to the environment for access to remote drill sites. conditions need to be twenty below zero or less for construction thus limiting exploration drilling to the Winter months in most cases.
Summer & Winter
Aerial Photos by
Steve Armbrust Courtesy of
Prudhoe Bay General Store: Telephone (907)
Postal address: Pouch340007, 1 Spine Road Prudhoe Bay AK 99734
Prudhoe Bay U.S. Post Office: Telephone (907) 659-2669
Brooks Range Supply, Inc: Telephone - 907-659-2550
Pouch 340008 #1 Old
Spine Road Prudhoe Bay, AK 99734
Colville, Inc Telephone -
Pouch 340012 100 Sag River Road Prudhoe Bay AK 99734
Fairweather Deadhorse Medical Clinic
500 1st St. Prudhoe Bay, AK 99734
Phone: (907) 685-1800 Fax: (888) 371-9194
Hours: 6 am. To 6 pm. Seven
days a week. On call 24 hours a day for after hours emergencies.
Insurance accepted as well as cash and credit cards
Longest Day: 63
days, 23 hours, 40 min.
Official sunrise: 12:09 AM - on 20th of May
Official sunset:11:18 PM - on 22nd of July
Shortest Day: 1 hour, 3
Official sunrise: 11:42AM - 24th of November
Official sunset:
12:27PM - 24th of November
Longest Night: 54 days, 22 hours, 51 min.
Official sunset: 12:27PM - 24th of November
Official sunrise: 11:18AM -
18th of January
Shortest Night: 26 min.
Official sunset: 11:43PM -
19th of May
Official sunrise: 12:09AM - 20th of May
Recorded Temperature: 83 degrees F. on 21st of June, 1991
Recorded Temperature: Minus 62 degrees F. on 27th of January, 1989
Highest Wind Speed Recorded: 95 knots (109 mph) on 25th of February, 1989
Official Lowest Wind Chill Factor: 28th of January,1989 - Temp of minus
54 degrees F and Wind speed of 31 knots (36 mph) - Gave a chill factor of
minus 135 degrees F.
In this document you will find detailed tour booking information & cancellation policy information.
PO Box 306
Leavenworth, WA 98826