Umiat, Alaska 99790
Umiat is an extremely remote site not served by road or rail, and has one
of the coldest climates of any location in Alaska.
Umiat, Alaska lies
adjacent to the Colville River approximately 140 miles southwest of
Deadhorse, Alaska in the Arctic. The U.S. Navy Seabees drilled the first oil
well at Umiat for the former Naval Petroleum Reserve in 1944, and the site
later became a U.S. Air Force Station. Umiat is now a commercial hunting
lodge. Located on the Colville River, 75 miles south of Harrison Bay, and
340 miles north-northwest of Fairbanks.
aircraft from Prudhoe Bay
EMERGENCY SERVICES: North Slope Borough Public Safety Officer, Prudhoe
Bay (Small local dispensary or Prudhoe Bay Clinic)
CLIMATE: Cool with fairly dry summers, but it can be extremely
windy. Extremely cold winters; Umiat frequently is the coldest reporting
station in Alaska.
ANNUAL PRECIPITATION: 6.5 Inches (including 34
inches of snow)
There is no church or school. There is also no
public water, sewage, or electricity systems.
In this document you will find detailed tour booking information & cancellation policy information.
PO Box 306
Leavenworth, WA 98826